Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saying Good-Bye

As I sit at the computer, stacks of boxes around me memories of years in this house are heighten. I can hear my daughter running in the back door all excited, because Max our dog was a Daddy. I ran to see what she was talking about and the cat had her kittens in the dog house. Of course I explained, that Max was a step-Daddy, and all was good.
My thoughts of walking the floor, the first time my son used  the family car, to do the teen thing and ride around town. Or the night I got my first phone call from my son the American soldier in Afghanistan.
The Birthday parties, and the Christmas gatherings. How do I let that go?
 And that horrible morning I came home and found my husband / best-friend dead. I suppose some people would say I'm a silly woman to have such an attachment to brick and mortar. Our homes are the safe place to go at the end of the day, and I guess that could be a grass hut or a castle on a hill.

So this move is not just a move but a new beginning, one I will take with heart-ache and excitement. I hope when this time comes for you my friends, it comes with more joy then heart-ache. Peace out. patty

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patty,
    Leaving behind a home full of memories can't be easy. Theres a old saying that home is where the heart is, or something like that. Think of all the new and exciting memories you will have in your new place! Make it your own! Think about what type of design you like and go crazy and decorate your heart out! All your good memories from your other house you'll take with you. It's not easy. Life just isn't.Keep on trucking!
